Making Games

Since forever, I have been building small games as an excuse to explore narrative and technical development. This started as roleplaying, then moved to the design of board-games, but as I got more comfortable with programming, I moved to video-games. After moving away from Mixed Reality research, I joined the industry. First, to work as an engine programmer at Asobo Studio for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, creating tools for their SDK. In 2021, I moved to a Unity Lead position at 7-Shapes, to help them modernize their architecture. In 2022, I joined Evil Empire as a Tech Artist & engine programmer.


I have been jamming for the past 8 years, at some point becoming a monthy submission. It is an incredible experience for creative expression and hacking, and it complements well the professional experience: the development-to-deployment process is a lot shorter, and the jammer community is great. In the past 4 years, the quality has improved, with most submissions being in the top 10%, with several first places.
If you want to know more about the experience of most recent projects, you can check the Game Jam Submissions, or you can jump directly to the itch page containing all of them. There is also a (rather chaotic) portfolio of WIPs on instagram. You can also read about my process, if that’s your thing.